3D inversion modeling of gravity data for identification of subsurface structures in the mud volcano area of Sedati, Sidoarjo by Mariyanto Mariyanto | Wien Lestari | Benzamin Ikkian Silitonga | Eleonora Agustine | Mimin Iryanti | Cahyo Aji Hapsoro | Rina Dwi Indriana

The Influence of Spin Coating Speed on the Optical Properties of P3HT Thin Film by Nabila Anis Binti Zakaria, Syed Abdul Malik

A Review: The Growth Mechanism of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs)-graphene Hybrid Material as Electrodes by Mishthafiyatillah; S N Sabki; N A Alif; M A Idris; N Othman

Microtremor Analysis Around Jari Mud Volcano, Bojonegoro by Theresia Purba | Mariyanto | Eki Komara

Mapping The Rate Of Deforestation In Banjar District, South Kalimantan Using Landsat Imagery by Reza Mardianis

Validity and Practicallity of Student Worksheet Integrated by Sound Wave Experiment Set Using Smartphone with Sound Analyzer Basic 1.10.2 and Frequency Generator 2.6 Software by Desnita

Aloevera/PS Hydrophobic Surface :Natural Nanocomposite as Anti-Pathogenic Microorganism by Lathifa Zonesya Putri

Small-Angle Scattering and Structural Analysis on Melting of Gold Nanoparticle by Riser Fahdiran | Anggara Budi Susila | Iwan Sugihartono | Erfan Handoko

Development of Electrocatalyst Based PtNi Nanostructure for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells by Robin Irawan | Regita Athalia | Ratna Deca Pravitasari | Damisih | Dewi Kusuma Arti | Jarot Raharjo | Achmad Subhan | Arenst Andreas Arie | Elok Fidiani

Thermodynamics and Structural Analysis on Melting of Copper Thin Film by Riser Fahdiran | Anggara Budi Susila | Erfan Handoko | Iwan Sugihartono

Functionalization of Carbon Nanotube from Biomass as A Potential Catalyst Support for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells by Regita Athalia | Robin Irawan | Ratna Deca Pravitasari | Damisih | Jarot Raharjo | Abdul Hamid Budiman | Arenst Andreas Arie | Elok Fidiani

The Effect Grain Size Particles To Physico Mechanic Properties Of Particle Board Based On Rice Husk and Liquid Rubber Compound by Teja Dwi Sutanto, Agus Martono HP, Irfan Gustian, Charles Banon, Anis Muzahidah

The fall of volcanic material from Mount Lawu, Central Java: a case study of magnetic susceptibility by Shandiyano Putra

Performance Of Coke Hybrid Based On Palm Oil Empty Bunches and Plastic Polypropylene Waste Produced By Co-Pirolisis Method by M Jahiding1*, Mashuni Mashuni2, Viska I Variani1, Erzam S Hasan1, F Ayuningsih1 and Yuke Milen1

Development of Android-Assisted Sound Wave Experiment Devices as an Effort to Improve High School Students\' Motivation and Physics Learning Outcomes by Neiny Edwana

Microstructure Analysis of Fe3O4/Polypyrrole Composite Synthesized by Sol-Gel Method by Ramli


Relocation of Earthquake Hypocenter Using Double-Difference Method in West Sumatera by Vania Illona Chrestella Sinaga | Muhammad Alif Fauzan Aolindar | Muchammad Alifiyansyah Nur Pramudita | Pepen Supendi | Kartika Hajar Kirana

Utilization of Areca Coir (Areca catechu L) Activated Carbon as Thermoelectric Material for C/CuO System. by Karina Ventika Sari

Study of Escherichia coli Bacteria Growth Inhibition in Portland Cement by CuO by Rida Oppi Ramadhani | Randy Trafino | Sintia Noveliza | Wulandari Agustin | Riso Sari Mandeli | Putri Azhari | Devi Purnamasari | Muhammad Arya Ghifari | Muhammad Thoriq Albari | Muhammad Raffi Ghifari | Mirella Fonda Maahury | Muhardi | Rahadian Zainul | Pakhrur Razi

FTIR and XRF Study Of Antioxidant Content In Cocoa Husk by Ernarisa Fitri | Effendi | Riso Sari Mandeli | Putri Azhari | Devi Purnamasari | Muhammad Arya Ghifari | Muhammad Thoriq Albari | Muhammad Raffi Ghifari | Mirella Fonda Maahury | Pakhrur Razi | Muhardi | Rahadian Zainul

Development of Android Application for Green Chemistry in the 2030 Sustainable Development for Grade X at the Activator School in Senior High Schools by Rezka Meysa Putri | Andini Khairunnisa | Hidayatul Husna | Putri Camelia | Febi Oktafia | Riso Sari Mandeli | Muhammad Arya Ghifari | Muhammad Thoriq Albari | Muhammad Raffi Ghifari | Amalia Putri Lubis | Refa Swinta Maharani | Rahadian Zainul

A Quantitative interpretation of salt water mixture in the shallow aquifer through the geoelectrical resistivity data: A case study in Dumai area, Indonesia by Nur Islami | Mitri Irianti

Modeling of Crustal Deformation Due To Sumatra Tectonic Earthquakes Based On GNSS Remote Sensing Data by Zul Ikram | Marzuki Marzuki | Deasy Arisa

Design a Solar Panel Electrical Energy Storage System Using a Maximum Power Point Tracker by Widyaningrum Indrasari | Wisnu Satria Budi

The Automatic Door Controller Design Based on Body Temperature and Room Capacity using Integrated Sensor by Widyaningrum Indrasari | Heri Firmansyah

Identification of Upstream Citarik River Conditions Based on Magnetic Mineral Characteristics of Sediments by Kartika Hajar Kirana, Rifky Darmawan, Mileani Shafaria, Dini Fitriani, Eleonora Agustine

Water Analysis From Physical Properties With Electricity Methods by Eleonora Agustine, Dasapta Erwin Irawan, Vitasha Adha Chaerul, Kartika H Kirana, Dini Fitriani, Anggie Susilawaty1, Mia Uswatus Hasanah, Silvia Jannatul Fajar, Wahyu Srigutomo

3D Magnetotelluric Inversion Analysis of Oka Ile Ange Geothermal East Flores, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia by Anggie Susilawati, Prihandhanu Mukti Pratomo, I.G.P. Fadjar Soeryadjaya, Elfitra Desifatma, Mamay Surmayadi, Wahyu Srigutomo, Doddy Sutarno, Enjang J. Mustopa, Kartika Hajar Kirana, Mia Uswatun Hasanah

Development of Inorganic Fertilizer Packaging System with Iot-Based Tally Counter by Akmecia Risqa Apriani | Fauzan Al Haqqi | Yohandri

Monitoring of Vehicle Brake Fluid Volume and Temperature Based on Arduino by Aurelia Febrina | Fauzan Al Haqqi | Yohandri

A Flood Detector and Water Gate Control System Based on Arduino by Chelsi Fotian | Fauzan Al Haqqi | Yohandri

Development of Electronic Kolintang Based on Arduino by Ellis Fahma | Fauzan Al Haqqi | Yohandri

IoT-Based Blood Pressure and Body Temperature Monitoring System by Guruh Eko Saputro | Fauzan Al Haqqi | Yohandri

Carbon Monoxide Measuring System Using MQ-7 Sensor by Irfan Muhammad Zaqi | Fauzan Al Haqqi | Yohandri

An Infusion Monitoring System With An Internet of Things Based on Smartphone by Naurah Nazhifah | Yulkifli | Aulia Asman | Yohandri

Electronic Pad for Paragliding Landing Score System Based Internet of Things by Venezia Ferly Wiranda | Fauzan Al Haqqi | Yohandri

IoT Based Air Quality Monitoring System Using NodeMCU by Vivi Wulandari | Fauzan Al Haqqi | Yohandri

IoT Based Pyranometer Using Photodiode Sensor by Wahyu Dewa Widiartha | Fauzan Al Haqqi | Yohandri

Smart Garden System Based on Internet of Things Using NodeMCU ESP8266 by Waldy Mukhlis | Fauzan Al Haqqi | Yohandri

Timer Counter for Drag Race Based on Arduino and LDR Sensor by Wasdi | Fauzan Al Haqqi | Yohandri

Hydro-geophysical investigation on catchment area in the southern rim of The Great Bandung Basin by K. Susanto, A. Harja , Husneni M, Farham R. Ma’arif, R. Tangke 3, M. Zulfansyah, Fikri I.M Hermanto

Identification of Aquifer Zones Using DC-Resistivity Method in Lava Fan Areas Case Study: Mount Haruman, Bandung Regency, West Java by Asep Harja, Berliana Ayu Aprilia, Dini Fitriani, Kusnahadi Susato

Micro-fault investigation using Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) survey: hints from Cileunyi-Tanjungsari micro-fault by Kusnahadi Susanto | Kartika Hajar Kirana | Eleonora Agustine | Dini Fitriani | Asep Harja | Alya Nursyafriani Marwah

Effect of Chitosan Concentration Variations-SiO2 on the Hydrophobic Properties of Cotton Fabric as Anti-Virus Mask’s by Zulkifli, Ratnawulan*

The Effect of Variations in the Amount of Cotton Fabric Dyeing in Chitosan-Sio2 Composite Solutions on Hydrophobic Properties for Anti Virus Masks by Kurnia Dwi Yuliani, Ratnawulan*


Effects of physics learning media based on ICT toward critical thinking skills of students: a meta-analysis by Annisa Zainatul Ummami | Asrizal Asrizal

Effects of integrated science student worksheet with the thematic models on student learning outcomes in junior high school: a meta-analysis by Asrizal Asrizal | Yumelda Zetri

Milling Time Effect of Photocatalyst Nanocomposites MnO2/CuO/Fe2O3 Limited for Degradation of Organic Contaminants in the Environment by Khairiyah Anisa, Ratnawulan*, Detty Rahmadhani, Fahira Azleen, Anthoni Steven, Ahmad Fauzi, Yenni Darvina, Ramli Ramli

Microanalytical Techniques in Earth Science: Towards Sustainable Mining by Jeffrey Oalmann